What is Reflective Mediation?
Reflective Mediation is a specific approach to mediation that prioritizes deep listening, empathy, and understanding in the context of separation and divorce. It is a modern method, focused on deescalating disputes through open, honest and sincere conversation. It is facilitated by an accredited family mediator who works towards an outcome that is determined by both parties working together. Couples who agree to this approach benefit emotionally and financially from choosing a peaceful path to parting ways. Some other advantages of the process are listed below:
Open Communication: By fostering a space of trust and transparency, we ensure that both parties feel heard and understood throughout the process.
Cost-Effective: Mediation is much more affordable alternative to lengthy court battles, or out-of-court negotiation through lawyers, saving you both time and money.
Financial & Legal Precision: Our team includes collaborative lawyers and financial experts, who will ensure a legally-binding Separation Agreement regardless of the degree of complexity.
Maintain Control: Instead of leaving decisions up to a judge, mediation allows both parties to construct the outcome, crafting solutions tailored to unique needs.
Confidentiality: Our mediation sessions are private and confidential, ensuring your personal matters remain discreet, not discoverable through open-source court transcription and records. .
Child-Centred Approach: When children are involved, we prioritize their well-being, ensuring decisions made are in their best interest, including Voice Of Child interviews, when needed.
Emotional Well-being: The non-adversarial nature of mediation can reduce stress and emotional strain, helping individuals move forward with clarity and peace.
Flexibility: Sessions are scheduled at your convenience, via virtual meetings unless agreed otherwise.
Future-Focused: We don’t just help you navigate the present; our approach ensures both parties are set on a path for positive future interactions, especially important for co-parenting.
Expert Guidance: Our team includes experienced mediators and legal & financial professionals who are trained to navigate the complexities of divorce with compassion.
Holistic Approach: Beyond legalities, we consider the emotional, financial, and long-term implications of decisions, ensuring a comprehensive resolution for all parties involved.
OUR goal is to guide you through relationship Difficulties with a positive attitude that gets you to “yes” now, while enhancing your communication skills for the future.
You will develop the clarity, confidence and skills, not only to de-escalate differences and create a balanced agreement, but also to enhance your most important relationships. The other person’s defensive armour will most surely be removed when you find the language to express the vulnerability of your own authentic needs. Guided conversations that are open, deep and honest build bridges of respect across your differences; setting the stage to generate unique agreements that mutually meet your goals and those of the other party.
“I founded Reflective Mediation to help people find a mindful way of approaching disagreements, a way that will increase the likelihood of finding solutions while also strengthening critical relationships. Most importantly this process will strengthen yourself.”
What kind of dispute can Reflective Mediation help you resolve?
Many of Reflective Mediation’s clients are dealing with separation and divorce, one of life’s most stressful situations. We have the experience, training and technical expertise to guide couples across that frightening terrain. We are experts in the production of comprehensive separation agreements that cover parenting plans, child and spousal support and division of assets. Every marital breakdown and discord is unique and requires a customized approach. In addition to marital issues, Our team has a unique gift for facilitating communication wherever it is needed, between the generations, within the family, at school and at work.