
Preferred method of payment is by e-transfer.

Sessions are primarily held remotely via video-conference.

Ready to commit to resolve your issue and reach a lasting agreement? Click here to book an appointment.

Reflective Mediation Fees

Mediation and Private Coaching

Fees are charged at the same hourly rate regardless of the number of participants.

An initial meeting is offered free of charge to determine if Reflective Mediation services are appropriate to your needs.

  • Hourly Rate: $230 plus HST = $259.90/hr

  • 2 Participants: $230/hr ÷ 2 = $129.95 per person (HST included)

  • Multiparty: $260/hr (HST included) shared equally among participants

Peer Mediation and OTHER School Programs

Fees are negotiated on a case by case basis.

Workshops, Seminars and Speaking Engagements

Fees are negotiated on a case by case basis.



Mediation is a voluntary, confidential and non-adversarial approach to dispute resolution that succeeds by facilitating parties as they work together to generate their own solutions. Having an open conversation in a safe environment allows participants to better understand what really matters to one another.


PRIVATE Coaching

To enhance relationships, we offer private coaching in communication skills and emotional self-regulation. We provide our clients with practical skills that help to cope with stress and enrich connection with others.


Workshop Training

Workshop-style training sessions are customized to meet your needs.  Our activity-based programs teach evidence-based communication skills that really work to de-escalate and prevent conflict, while strengthening relationships.


Restorative Justice Circles

When disputes arise within a group, in a family or at work, we host restorative justice circles to ensure all voices are heard. By enhancing mutual understanding, groups can reach a consensus that balances the needs of all parties.