The Yoga of Divorce: A Mindful Route to Resolving Disputes
The Yoga of Divorce: A Mindful Route to Resolving Disputes
Author: Mike MacConnell, with Illustrations by Leann Parker
Publisher: Friesen Press
Available from: (hard cover $36, paperback $25)
Kindle edition available on
978-1-4602-8626-5 (Hardcover)
978-1-4602-8627-2 (Paperback)
978-1-4602-8628-9 (eBook)
1. Family & Relationships, Divorce & Separation
2. Conflict Management
3. Health & Fitness, Yoga
Distributed to the trade by The Ingram Book Company
299 pages
Copyright © 2016 Mike MacConnell
About the Book
This is the story of a man guided by yoga through the difficult stages of divorce. A father looking for a way to get clear and to start fresh, without becoming alienated from his ex or poisoned by the process. This is my story, complemented by practical strategies you can implement whether your goal is to end or to heal your relationship.
What if there was a way to divorce with a minimum of hostility, time, and expense? It is attainable, even if you are working towards these goals without the cooperation of your spouse. I achieved an amicable separation in five months with less than three hours of legal bills, preserving my personal well-being and sparing my children in the process.
I wrote The Yoga of Divorce in the hope of helping others by showing them how to resolve tension with their partner by resolving it first within themselves through the practice of yoga. This book advocates that we shift our reactions and embrace the notion of cooperative opposition, the idea that the same non-adversarial process that works on the yoga mat can be used at the negotiation table.
Publisher's Comments
Yoga of Divorce offers practical strategies for shifting our reactions and embrace the notion of cooperative opposition, the idea that the same non-adversarial process that works on the yoga mat can be used at the negotiation table.
The key to Yoga of Divorce’s strategy is to 'park ego at the door'. If we stop trying to 'win' but instead seek a solution that is fair to both sides, we make much smoother progress. The mindful practice of cooperative opposition can simultaneously resolve physical stress and social conflict by intentionally balancing opposite forces.
It might seem simple, but it takes conscious effort. We urgently need to make calm decisions at those times when being calm is most difficult—such as in the midst of emotional crisis. When stakes are highest we feel most triggered to attack. For the sake of our children, our wealth, and our personal well-being, we need to work past negative emotions and put ego in its place. Only then will we find lasting peace and amicable resolutions.